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Reading Room 

Come in, relax and read some samples of Fiona’s work. Her passion for spoken word most likely stems from her deep connection to storytelling and her Jamaican heritage.  Those early years spent growing up in Jamaica, then continuation of life in the United States gave way to a journey of life experiences and the ability to express some of those stories, emotions, and thoughts through the written and spoken word. Enjoy!

Where do I begin


It’s an oxymoron, because here we are being Spiritual speaking and engaging within the notion that there’s no beginning nor end, yet the question is asked, Where do I begin… before I can attempt to answer this question, I will do my best to capture the picture placed in my mind in real time for you to feel, see and know what I’m about to share.

Where do I begin… somewhere in this question is a person who is on a journey and is now at a crossroads, a place and state ready to launch you into your next level. And the energy that mirrors that of what they call “devil” is persistently asking you this question. 

Here Goes:

I sit at a place present to the Sun. I felt the urge to write what was raising me inside, making me feel like there’s voice that has so much to say and I needed to hear.

So I’m here, set to hear this voice of clarity, the seed birthed and ready for humanity and you are Called. The feelings you feel that counter the BIG ideas in your mind and in your heart is done so intentionally to enable your ability to dissect what to many would be confusing, yet you have the capacity to extract truth and trust your Inner Voice to speak with the language of the Universe. I am so proud of how far you’ve come, of how much you recognize answers from your God/given support system. You have everything you need to accomplish all your needs, dreams, passions and desires. Live fully Empress (King), you hold the key to your lavish abundance. Love you